Bracket Turnamen Crisis Action Hero Top Race S1 - Rebels Level C (61-90)

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Bracket Turnamen Crisis Action Hero Top Race S1 - Rebels Level C (61-90)
Turnamen akan dimulai tanggal 15 April 2018

We want to remind both of the teams :

1. Match will begin at 15 April 2018 at 13.40 WIB (GMT +7)
2. Please make sure your team are standing by at least 1 hour before the match starts
3. If the team that should be playing are not ready even after the 10 minutes window that are given, admin will disqualify the team.
4. You can't change the member of the team that are participating during the tournament
5. For the purpose of online broadcast, name, nickname, team name must not have words that are associated in: Sex, Religion, Racism, Offensive, or Rude. If by the time tournament starts and the previous mentioned names have not been changed, admin team have the authority to disqualify teams.
6. Please do frequently check the Challonge bracket for the tournament schedule (Match Details)
Good Luck and Thank you

Bracket Crisis Action Hero Top Race S1 - Rebels Level C (61-90) :

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